Your Pet Gazette – January Issue!

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Our dental health promotion January through March 31, 2020
SAVE: 15% or Up to $200 on Pet Dental Procedures

Complimentary with dental:

  • Post dental re-check exam
  • Home care kit with samples and coupons
  • Bag of Hills T/D dental diet
  • An entry for a terrific raffle prize

Stinky Breath Is a Sign of Dental Disease

A smelly mouth is one of the first signs of dental disease. By the age of three years, over 80% of pets show signs of dental disease. Signs include plaque, tartar, gingivitis, tooth decay and often much worse periodontal disease. Regular dental hygiene is an important factor in maintaining your pet’s overall health and well being. We are here to help you to maintain your pet’s oral health care so that they can enjoy pain-free meals, treats, and playtime activities.

This winter season, we are promoting dental health care with a 15% discount (up to $200) off dental procedures until March 31, 2020. This program is super popular, and we encourage you to book early to avoid disappointment. Give us a call at 416-537-3128 for a preliminary dental exam appointment with your veterinarian.

Periodontal Disease

Foul breath usually indicates an oral problem, and the sooner you have it treated by your veterinarian, the sooner you and your pet can smile proudly. Periodontal disease is an infection of the tissue surrounding the teeth that take hold in progressive stages. If plaque and tartar buildup continues unchecked, an infection can form around the root of the tooth. In the final stages of periodontal disease, the tissues surrounding the tooth are destroyed, the bone and tissue supporting the tooth erode, and the tooth becomes loose. It is a very painful process for your four-legged friend, but these problems can be averted before they even start.

Gently flip a lip. Take a peek inside if your dog or cat will allow you to do so. Do you see red gums, and/or a build-up of tartar in their mouth? Do you smell a foul odour in there? If so, give us a call at 416-537-3128 to book a professional assessment of your pet’s dental care needs.

Each dental patient will receive a complimentary home-care kit filled with tasty treats to make home care easier for you. During a follow-up appointment, a Registered Veterinary Technician will demonstrate how to care for your pet’s teeth at home. If deemed an appropriate diet for your pet, you may receive a complimentary bag of Hill’s T/D for tartar control. This is our most popular diet. It’s super tasty, and it works!